Sunday, April 11, 2010

I used to think...

I used to think of myself to be a good person... better than the people around me of my age...
I used to think that I am older than my age, wiser, more sad, and more reliable...
I used to think I am stronger than people of my age... in character and determination...
I used to think I am closer to God than people around me...
I used to think I shall never fall, and I used to wonder...

I used to wonder why people do X, Y and Z sins...
I used to wonder how on earth could any one do the W sin! I don't know but I used to think I know...

I used to think that I have to move the rock from the gate of Lazarus' tomb so that God *can* raise him from death... I went therefore moving all rocks in my way, all the way until the end of my reach, which got me super tired...

I used to think that *I* can do everything in Christ, but focusing on the *I*... I therefore tried everything beyond myself, which got me super depressed...

I used to think that God's voice comes as smoothing and easing my path, I used to think I *know* God's will, which caused me to be deaf to God's voice....

I used to think that I love God...

All what I used to think was true, turns out to be not necessarily true... is it? I don't know..

I want to love God, and I try to... should I move the rock? But without Christ I can do nothing as He said. So, even moving the rock I can not do... so what? I ask Him to move the rock? Then where am I in this? Will I move the rock in Christ? Yes of course, but what does that really means? I don't know...

I don't know my limits, or where I should stop and leave it to God...

I don't know why on earth did I fall in same sins I condemns people for, the X, Y, Z and even the W.. while they had excuses, I had no excuse...

I don't know why I am so weak, unstable and unreliable...

I don't know why God loves me, and still has faith in me, while I have no faith in myself anymore, but have faith in His grace...

I don't know if I die now, will God accept me to be with Him forever? Should He wait for me a bit?

I don't know if in next test I will fail or not...

I don't know if ever it will be a moment when I feel ready to depart this world, although I wish to depart it right now ...

I don't know when I will be a holy child of Christ? Will that day ever come? When?

I don't know nothing.. and may be I just should not know.. I have to just continue walking...

I don't know if I do love God from all my heart... and may be I should not know, or don't really want to know... but I do know, that I want to love God from all my hearts... so how to start?

I don't know how to start... should I start? or Should Christ's grace start? I don't know...

Is there a rock I should pull? Or should I ask His grace to grant it to me? I don't know..

I don't know if I should repent first, or serve Him first, or just love Him first... but how to love Him though? Love is sacrifice, and I have nothing to offer Him!

I don't know why He loves me! I don't know why I focus on myself that much... I don't know what is His will.. I don't know how to hear His voice...

I don't know my message on earth.. but may be I I should not know, or don't really want to know... but I do know, that I do want to love God from all my hearts...

Your will be done.

1 comment:

  1. Wow thank you for sharing this, It came in time. May God be patient with us and help us Trust Him more to lead our lives where He sees best fits. Thanks again :)

