Saturday, December 29, 2012

Duties.. no rights!

Matthew 22:37-39

New King James Version (NKJV)
37 Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and great commandment.39 And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’

Although it is straight plain clear, it is still a striking discovery to most Christians that our Lord Jesus Christ left us some duties, but no rights. For His will was to love one another as he has loved us and that is how people recognize us being His disciples [John 13:34,35]. For practical everyday life, this will maps down to duties but no rights!

My duty is to love, unconditionally. I am called to love everyone and this love should be incarnated into my treatment with everyone! That is I am ought to love and hence:  serve my critical spouse, obey my obnoxious boss, smile at my phlegmatic neighbor, deal normally with homosexual people, deal fairly with Muslim brotherhood people (given that I am Coptic from Egypt), provide a hand to the elder lady trying to cross the street, let the way for the teenager driver trying to pass me, be patient at the cashier,  pray for the corrupt leaders, sustain immorality, and the list goes forever. All this should come out of love, and yet, the most difficult part that we typically oversight (at least I did for so many years) is that we have NO RIGHTS IN EXCHANGE!!

This is so true and clear in the marital relationship. It is also the most mis-concieved will of God, probably because the duties are different. As the church commands the wife and husband on the matrimony ceremony:

+ to the wife the church commands: "Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord." (Ephesians 5:22)

+ whereas the command to the husband is: "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her" (Ephesians 5:25)

God will here is clear: woman, submit to your husband unconditionally. This is your duty. Man, give up yourself for your wife, unconditionally. This is your duty. Both deeds should spring out of deep love: a wife loves her husband as the church loves Christ, and a husband loves his wife as Christ loves the church. The question a husband asks himself then is: what are the husband rights? What should he expect in exchange after he gives himself for his wife? The answer is actually: NOTHING. Yet, poor he, mistakenly thinks that his right is his wife's submission. Which is not true. Because when Christ loved the church, He loved her with all her pitfalls, and He gave Himself up for her to save her, without expecting any love back. Until today, how many people (for whom Christ gave up Himself on the cross to save) are still far from Him? Not only many people are refusing to submit to Christ, but they also deny Him, yet they fight against Him and His kingdom! Christ still loves them though, and continues to send His daily blessings (such as life and breath!) until this very moment! And He will continue to do so. This is exactly how a husband is expected to love his wife.

St. John Chrysostom interprets [On Ephesians, Homilie 20] these wills as follows. To husbands: "Take then yourself the same provident care for her, as Christ takes for the Church. Yea, even if it shall be needful for you to give your life for her, yea, and to be cut into pieces ten thousand times, yea, and to endure and undergo any suffering whatever—refuse it not." 

Then to wives: "And Paul would never without a reason and without an object have spent so much pains on this subject, as when he says here, Wives, be in subjection unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. And why so? Because when they are in harmony, the children are well brought up, and the domestics are in good order, and neighbors, and friends, and relations enjoy the fragrance. But if it be otherwise, all is turned upside down, and thrown into confusion. And just as when the generals of an army are at peace one with another, all things are in due subordination, whereas on the other hand, if they are at variance, everything is turned upside down; so, I say, is it also here. Wherefore, says he, Wives, be in subjection unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord."

He explains then in more details the motives behind such commandment to wives and then concludes:  "Let us take as our fundamental position then that the husband occupies the place of the head, and the wife the place of the body." The reader is referred to this enlightening and  edifying homily by St. Jon Chrysostom on Ephesians (here) for more with regard to the duties of a husband and a wife. But this is just one example of the duties one has, as a will of God, with no rights. Let us take another example briefly.

God gave us the duty to do charity: "for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.’" (Matthew 25:35,36) This example is more clear to show how it is duties with no rights. Nothing is offered in exchange by whom we offer love in form of charity. No duties are on the naked person we clothe, the sick we visit, etc. Our duty is to love the person, out of our love to Christ Himself, or as if that person is Christ Himself, and then our charity deed will spring out of our love.

This is our duty: to love. And therefore, when one sits down to see how well s/he is doing, one should only look at her/his duties and how well they are accomplished. Is that exhausting? Yes and No. Yes if we think we have rights and try to ignore them. But No if we realize that we have no rights. Our rights are in fact with Christ only. Since He is the one who asked us to do these things. But if we think deeper, we will realize that we have no rights with Christ, in fact, we are in debt with His eternal Love! That is to say, He already provides, and will continue to provide, our rights!

Saturday, December 15, 2012


وحشتيني بعدد ما في السما نجوم
بُعدِك نساني معنى النوم
بناجي طيفيك طول اليوم
وانده عليكي بصوت مكتوم
 وامشي لوحدي غريب مهزو
واحتار في حبك فرح وهموم
 واشوف كلامك سما وغيوم
لا عارف اقعد ولا عارف اقوم

بس المهم ايه اللي يكون
حفضل قاعد ولو كان ده جنون
قلبي لغيرك عمره ما حيكون
صلاتي دايما الرب ليكي يصون
واضحّي نفسي فداكي بفنون
واسمع قلبك ورا اي كلام  بلون
وافضل للأبدية بيكي مفتون
منتي حبي وانتي انا وبيكي بكون

Friday, August 24, 2012

يا ربي يسوع

يا ربي يسوع احفظها ... باركها يا رب وفرحها 
إحفظ  بنتك عيني ... بارك بنتك حياتي 

احميها من الكل ومني  ...  أويها يا رب و ساعدها 
ثبت حبي لها دي منك ... اديها سلامك دي مراتي 

بارك يا يسوع صحتها ... ومتحرمنيش يوم ضحكتها  
فرح جيني دي قلبي ...اسعد اوقاتها وأوقاتي

Friday, August 10, 2012

بلا حدود

أحـــــبكي بلا حـــــــــدود      حــــــــــبٍ خلق للخــــــــلود
لا يكن بيننا ســــــــــــدود     لا يكن للبــــعـــــــــــد وجود
أعشــــــــــقك فوق الخيال      ايا جــــــــــــــنةً من الورود
نســــــــيم عطركي سباني      يا خجـــلاً حمــــــر الخدود
أحــــــبكي أكثر من ذاتي       ها ربي و قلبي لي شهود
دفء حــــــبك أحــــيــانـي        ليـــــس مثلك صديقٌ ودود
ســـــندي في درب كفاحي      صـــــدرٌ, الحزن عني يذود
أمــــــلي في يـــــوم أذاني        فــــــــرحٌ يغمر و يســـــــود
أحبك فــــــــــــوق إحتمالي       فحبي لــــــكــــي بلا حدود

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Good news for religious freedom

I love her evermore!

After two months of unity, I love her more!
And I always wonder, what would I need more?!
Isn't she the one to be with whom I longed for!
She is the joy of my heart, she is whom I adore
With her everything is priceless, I love her evermore

With her Jesus dwells amongst our midst, what peace we explore!
I love her romantic, and when we are at the store,
When she is content, demanding & when she does implore!
frustrated or tired, tender and sweet, sour or sore 
every moment passes by, I love her evermore

she got the keys of my heart's door
she is my sweety, my mom and teacher. Furthermore,
she is my daughter, my princess, my friend and more
she is the breath of my life, and my life contour
it is our 2nd monthiversary, I love her evermore!


Thursday, May 3, 2012

حبيبتي تسألني

حبيبتي تسألني هل سأمل منها يوماً 
حبيبتي وهل للعيون تمل الجفون نوماً
أما تعانقها ليل نهاراً ولحمايتها تسهر دوماً 
وعن جمالها تحجب من العالم ما يلقي هماً 
ولصفاءها ولسحرها تؤمن بمن القصائد كماً
ترسل رموشها لتحفظها وتداعبها لوماً 
أيا عين ألولاك أكان لي وجود يوماً 
محتضنكي وإن لم تشعري وغطاؤك لتهنئ نوماً
ودموعك اللؤلؤ هي بناتي ولن اطلقها يوماً 
رضاكي حياتي و فرحك عرفني الفرح يماً
حبيبتي إذاً لا تسألي فأني أحيا في حبك هيماً  


Monday, April 30, 2012


حبيبتي , نزلت بكلامها كالندى على صدري في  يوم ناري 
اسمعها, كلامها لوصف حالها انما يصف أنا حالي
أراها, كما يرى ملاك أرسل ليرافق ترحالي
عيونها, تخطفني! تفتنني! ترسلني لعالم ثاني
خدودها, تفاحةٌ! و وردةٌ, و جمالها قد سباني
شفتاها توري لؤلؤاً, و لسانها العطر تصونان
ابتسامتها قوتي, و ضحكتها, وحيدٌ معدمٍ قد تركني
قلبها, خلابٌ, حنانها و عطفها في ضلوعها سجناني
الآن فهمت أدماً, حين رأى حواء أدم ثاني
هي ضلعي الذي فقدته عاد لكي بها يكتمل كياني
كلامها غناءٌ, صوتها غديرٌ, شفتاها بالعسل تقطران
 أنا لها, أنا هي, أنا بها ولا لمخلوق ثاني
أحبها, و إن عجزت كلمات أحبها عن البيان
عمري لها, عمري هي, و نسيم ابتسامتها أحياني
يقتلني فراقها, و إن كان الفراق فقط لثوان
لكم أود أن أضمها, قلبها و قلبي ليمتزجان
 جنفياف قد صنعنا الرب لبعضنا, و قال أن لا يفترقان
أمانيك مهمتي, يا من أوجدت لحياتي معان
فافرحي و إمرحي و ابتهجي فلكي مني كل أمان
حبيبتي أراك كما يرى ملاك أرسل ليرافق ترحالي

Friday, April 27, 2012



Guilty are all languages that fail to express my feelings to you
Guilty are all poems, that fail to- your beauty - draw
Guilty are all moments that fly by whenever I am with you
Guilty is the sun that ends my sanctified dreams of you
Guilty is everyone, who blames me for seeking you
Guilty you are, for thinking I can sail the river without you
Guilty are your charming eyes, for they are my home in you
Yet they leave me homeless, lonely, and lost. I love them though
Guilty are the days that keep me apart from vanishing in you
Guilty is my heart which forgot to beat; looking for you
Guilty are all doctors, who fail to save this victim whose captor is you
But I am the happiest victim. I dedicate my life to you
If it is a day, a week or a year, I will be waiting for you
Even if I have to wait without having you
It is my honor to be one of those, who are in the queue
Waiting years for a moment when the star will show
Spending our lives waiting just to see you
And if I traveled back in time, what would I do?
I would again, definitely, choose to love you

Who is she?

A fair lady, whom I bring happiness into her life
A fair lady, who accepts me calling her my wife

A girl, my best friend for most times 
A girl, childish and goofy for sometimes 

A woman, with whom I spend most romantic moments 
woman, that act like mom, for moments 

A fairy, that takes away sadness of life 
A fairy, that teach me how beautiful is life 

A wife, who accepts to live in my eye 
A wife, who shares life with me, till we die 

A lady, that I save her in my hearts 
A lady, that saves me in her hearts

she is, my Jenny

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Spirituality of the Holy Pentacostal

The Spiritual Spring over the year, or so called by the fathers of the church, is the Great Lent period. And the peak of this Spiritual Spring is the Holy Week; where we live with Christ moment by moment. Many dedicate this week for prayers that they take vacations from their work, and stay in the church day and night, praying and contemplating in Christ Passion. This marvelous peak concludes with the Joyful Bright Saturday and the Easter Eve Liturgy. Indeed it is a week when we get spiritually charged, to go with this charge along the narrow road for the rest of the year.

However, right after the Easter Eve, we are faced with a critical period. There are no two Paschas every day any more. There are no regular weekday liturgies any more. And the Liturgy on Sunday is shorter than that we used to for 7 weeks now! No fasting on Wed. or Fri., after 55 days of first degree fasting(1)! This causes us – for many times – to regard the Holy Fifties period as a “break” or in tuff words: vacation from God, which is clearly not the case! The church – Christ’s pride - wouldn’t ever compel us to take “vacation” from God.

This raises the question: what is it then the spirituality of the Holy Fifties? How can we preserve the charge we just received for a bit longer than the Holy fifties period? How can we not fast, not pray with entreating or metanias, and yet be as close to God as we were during the Holy Week?!

Well, I have no answer. But the Bible does. Listen to The Holy Spirit teaching us through St. Paul’s tongue: "That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death," (Phi 3:10)

Listen, He – The Holy Spirit – mentioned resurrection first, then the fellowship of His suffering, while Christ suffered first, then resurrected. But that is not a mistake, because God The Holy Spirit is infallible. This is a message to us, that it is Resurrection, and knowing Jesus Christ, and His Resurrection is what help us endures the tribulations and temptations of the world. It is The Power of the Resurrection that enables us to have the will to carry the cross and follow Him. And not only to endures sufferings, but to do so with JOY. Listen to the Holy Spirit commending us saying: “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!” (Phi 4:4)

Have you ever wondered, how can one rejoice ALWAYS? Well, this is what the church train us to do during the Holy Fifties. We sin and repent during the Holy Fifties as any other time of the year, but the difference is that in the Holy Fifties, with our eyes focused on Resurrected Christ, we rejoice even during the pain accompanied with repentance. We rejoice when we endure those who trespasses against us. That is why the Chruch sings in joyful tone all the year.

In fact, there is a single service in the Church that get longer during the Holy Fifties: The Mid-night praise. There is a Aspasmos (piece) before first Hos (praise), and some pieces at the end of the Theotokia (St. Mary glorification). Why specifically the mid-night praise is getting enlounged while every other prayer is shortened? Because the praise is the service of Joy! They say that praising is not asking God any thing, it is just contemplating in God’s goodness, mercy and beauty. Thus, no one can praise unless he/she is joyful and rejoicing. Thus, the Church teach us to rejoice with God! And endure in Christ with Joy during the Holy Fifty.

Rejoice always in Resurrected Christ!

(1) Fasts in Coptic church are ranked into degrees, with the first degree being every Wed and Fri, Great Lent, and Jonah Fast; where we stop eating or drinking till sunset, then eat vegan with no sea food.

Friday, March 30, 2012

One, not Two

Most people think of marriage to be the norm, while monasticism to be the extreme. They are mistaken. Some people even think of one way to be right, or up, and the other to be left or down, and those are extremists themselves, and are mistaken. Enlightened people think of them as two parallel paths, and those are the closest to truth, but it is not quite true that marriage and monasticism are two parallel paths. Truth is that they are one path, not two!

Marriage and Monasticism are one path in the sense that one is traveling up a hill towards heaven. Multitudes of Christians are all traveling up this same path up the hill, which is narrow and difficult, require alertness, humility , self denial, perseverance and fixed eye on Christ.

Truth is that both are the one way of living eternity on earth. It just happens that some people choose to walk, hike, up the hill, while others prefer to run. Clearly if you choose to run, you will excerpt much more effort, and you risk more sever falls, should you fall, or getting tired and being forced to take "a rest", which might cause delays longer than if you have walked. Walking, you risk less, but it will take a bit longer. Walking allows you to enjoy accompany though, for two can walk hand in hand, but a runner cannot but run by her/himself.

By definition, the main difference however is that while running, your both legs get detached from the ground, you leap flying in air momentarily and continuously. If you walk, even if you speed up, you have to have one leg attached to the ground. In walking races, if a walker get both legs detached, they are disqualified for they did run!

Why would any one walk, you might wonder? Well, not all people were created as runners, or have the proper fitness to run. But most probably, some people enjoy walking over running, especially for the accompany and sharing with other, especially the walking-partner, the beautiful scenic path. Or it could be the case that they were never trained for running, and never sought after it.

After all, it is a matter of choice which way you want to climb up the same hill!
After all, walking or running, we do nothing but in Christ!
After all, running or walking, we seek to live eternity on earth, and live in Christ eternally!

"Jesus said to him, “I am the way" (John 14:6)
