Tuesday, March 23, 2010

مات لأجلي

هو مات لأجلي هو قام لأجلي و أنــا لـم ألـتـفـت لــــــــه
هـــو فدانـــــي هو أحـيانـــي وأنا الجـانـــي لم أشـــكره
كان لي حاميــا وأنا له خـائن صرت شوكة فـي إكـليـله
ربـي قـطـعـت الــعهد لــــي وأنــــــــا مــراراَ خنتــــه
لـمــاذا ربـــي أنـا ضـعـيف أين يوســــــف عـفـتـــــه
لماذا توبتــــي غير صـادقة و لم أزرف دمعة واحــدة
كـل عشـــــية أقول أخـيرةََ أصحو َ للخــطيــة مـجِددا
ســـألت ربـي كيف و متي توبتـــي تـعطيني فـــداءه
هــل في يــوم توبتي تكون مثل موسى القـوي توبته
ألجأ ربي إليك أسألك متذللاَ أقمني ربي أعطنــي توبة
مـن ســـــواك مـــن غـيرك لــطـبـيـعـتـــــــي مـجـددا
أنت القـــدوس أنت القــــادر ترشـد الإنســـــان لنجـاته
فأسمح يا ربي يا يســــــوع لضعفي اســمك أن ينطقه
أطلب باسـمك القـــــــدوس ربي اعتقني من العبــودية

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Meet Mr. Jahova

[in the church's parking lot after Sunday liturgy]

John: What a lovely day guys! I enjoyed the liturgy the most today!

Chris: Oh man! it was too long today..

Dave: Oh yeah, super long... & I was sleepy too!

Marlyn: But isn't it always that loooooooooooooong...

John: what are you talking about guys? It went by so fast! And remember today was very special..

John: ...didn't you meet Mr. Jahova today?

Dave: who is Mr. Jahova? I never heard of the name... is he a new member of the church?

John: Mr. Jahova?! He is the one who founded this church!

Chris: WHAT?! This church is over 70 years old.. I didn't notice such an old man..

Dave & Marlyn: neither did I...

Tom: I doubt there is any one with that last name in our church...

John: Well, did you pay attention to anything in the liturgy today?

Marlyn: I was paying attention until the sermon.. was too long and boring...since then, you lost me..

Chris: I honestly didn't pay attention until it was about time for communion, it gets exciting at the end.. it is when

I start REALLY wake up.. the liturgy is too early for me I guess...

Dave: I was serving in the Alter, I was too busy to pay attention to anything...

John: how about you Magdalene?

Magda: I enjoyed the liturgy today, I met Mr. Jahova..

Chris: you did?!

Magda: yes! :-) in fact, I also had dinner with him last night.

Marlyn: really?! where?

John: Mr. Jahova is so generous... so fabulous... I never asked him for anything, ANYTHING,

and he didn't grant it to me..

Magda: very true.. he is so helpful as well... he is the one you can call and find whenever you are in true need...

and he is willing to go all the way with you..

Dave: is he rich?

John: the most rich ever

Tom: Oh, yeah!

Chris: is he powerful, I mean connections and such..

Magda: He is. You can bet on him... and he is also aware of everything and knows everything... he can give you

THE ADVICE just about anything..

Marlyn: man, I wanna meet this guy

John: let us go back to the church to meet him...

Tom: as if he is waiting there for us!

[Inside the church, with no one there except the little flock]

Chris: No one is here!

Marlyn: he left! :(

Tom: that is IF he was here in first place..

Magda: he was!

Dave: it is OK, may be we can see him next week

Tom: if he shall come!

John: let us pray guys

Dave: listen, we can not spend our life praying.. we prayed enough for today..

John: did you pray today? I thought you said you were serving in the alter

Tom: here we go...

John: prayers means to connect to God, were you really in connection with God today? If you really get

connected to God once, you wouldn't wish to disconnect ever, because God is so sweet

Chris: let us not get off topic guys, we came here to meet Mr. Jahova, he is not here, we go home...

John: but he is here..

Tom: you are hallucinating John..

John: if you want to meet him, we have to pray

John: Magda, do you want to tell them about your dinner last night?

Magda: mmm

Marlyn: please Magda!

Magda: Alright... yesterday, I was so down and I felt very bad, I called him and he came and dined with

me & cheered me up.

Dave: that easy!

Marlyn: where did you eat?

Magda: in my room.

Magda: whenever you need him, he is there to help.. he listens, he understands, he answers, and

he has no problem to come over to you wherever you are... he is willing to expend everything

to erase a tear from your heart... all what you need is to call upon him...

Marlyn: so sweet...

Magda: yet, he doesn't push himself on anyone ... and he hates it when someone calls him, with no real

desire to talk to him!

Dave: what is his cell number? can I have it?

Magda: you don't need a cell phone to call him, He is everywhere.. you only need to call upon Him..

John: you only need to open your heart to Him, i.e., pray, i.e., be connected with Him, and He will

show you wonders.

This is what Liturgy is all about.. and if you are connected to Him, you shall never notice the time...

it is your responsibility to call though... so if you are connected to The Son God, you will meet Him,

and enjoy His presence, and He will left you above time boundaries... if you are connected with Him,

Liturgies, worshipers, prayers, service and life will be of a completely different meaning to you!

Tom: so we didn't see Mr. Jahova at the end!

John: that is enough.. let us go home.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Standing at the midst of the deep ocean, looking towards the endless water... The Horizon!

I wonder, where is that Horizon?! If I start sailing towards The Horizon, will I reach there? I definitely see it, but can I reach it? And why is that Horizon is so impressive? Why do I long to reach there in first place?

The desert Horizon isn't any less impressive than the sea Horizon... in fact, this endless shining sand is also The Horizon! But if I start walking towards it, will I reach there, to The Horizon I mean?

I did. I started sailing. I started walking. To where? Towards The Horizon.
As I am progressing, an island started to float there, at the Horizon. An oasis started to dig its shape in the sand. A mountain stood proudly, at The Horizon... does that mean I can reach there? The Horizon?

I did, survive to the island, I was impressed by the oasis in midst of desert, I took refuge from the storm winds in the mountain... but...

it wasn't The Horizon....

Once I got there, it wasn't The Horizon any more... for the moment I turn around, I saw the Horizon back there where you left, at the endless water... at the golden sand..

This is the Horizon.. far, impressive, a desire for the eye... a hope for the soul to embrace, a day dream for every navigator or lost traveler to seek... but once you reach, by definition, it is not The Horizon any more, for every step you take towards The Horizon, pushes The Horizon further back...

So should we let go of reaching there? Should we be satisfied with staying still where we are? But if we did, we will starve... we ought to sail toward The Horizon!

We ought to sail towards The Horizon without caring much of reaching there. We just need to learn how to enjoy the journey outreaching the unreachable. For the joy of sailing towards a race end line is in reaching the end line, but the joy of sailing towards The Horizon, is in the endless sailing!

My soul sails towards you O Lord! Towards Holiness! Towards Perfection! Towards Eternity!
I enjoyed many oases along my road, but they are only a shade of the joy of reaching you!
Many times I fell, but arose in You and continue walking.. many times I got distracted fishing to feed myself, but I lastly dropped the fishing rod and looked steadfast at You.. I many times slept thinking I arrived... but You woke me up and here I go, walking towards You!

Will I ever reach You? I guess not. But isn't it just life, to continually walk towards You! Even in Kingdom of Heaven, which is continually sailing towards knowing You, The Horizon!

your comments and opinions are highly appreciated.
a sinner

As If God Did Not, For Just This Moment, Exist

As If God Did Not, For Just This Moment, Exist

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The Last Anchorite

The Last Anchorite

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The unmelting snow

I just returned from the Payroll at Pitt, and as I walk by Winthrop St., I see this huge pile of snow (like 10 feet of height) on a side yard. It is a remaining of the historical snow storm we had in Pittsburgh.

But how come? The temperature today is high 50's, and it has been in 60's for couple of days ago.. it is for a week now that the temp. was above freezing point, how come the snow didn't melt yet?! I guess it is because they are pile-together... they keep the "temperature" in each other, by sticking together.

Does that say anything about our congregational spiritual services?

"bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body, and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism" (Ephesians 4:3-5)

Monday, March 15, 2010


Remember before you rest your cheek on any pillow
That there is a lonely heart watching all night

A heart missing you filled up with sorrow
Wandering in a road that forgot the meaning of light

Seeking your foot prints that he may follow
Unconsciously moaning until losing sight

Chasing your face in every figure and shadow
Seeing your face one day is his hope and his delight

Praying that you shall never taste the bitterness of sorrow
To bring you joy and peace he would go through any fright

Sinking in a sea of his tears, yet your tears he would borrow,
offering himself and his life to be your ultimate eyebright

Hours, days and months passed by as an aimed arrow
The sun didn’t rise, and the moon was absent all night

Neither did you have mercy, nor helped him any fellow
A bit more of sorrow, he has to live in, for one more night

Keys to the Old-Testament

In name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit

The One God Amen.

Keys to the Old-Testament

From the book of Exodos: “Then the children of Israel journeyed from Ramsis to Succoth,…” (12:37) “So they took their journey from Succoth and camped in Etham at the edge of wilderness” (13:20) “Now the Lord speaks to Mosses, saying: Speak to the children of Israel, that they turn and camp before Pi Hahiroth between Migdol and the sea, opposite Baal Zephon: you shall camp before it by the sea” (14:1,2)

When we read this passage, what do we get? We skim it, taking home the message that the children of Israel were wandering in the wilderness of Egypt for a while before they crossed the red sea. However, we wonder if this is the message the Holy Inspiration want to deliver to us, why all these details? We don’t even know where exactly these places are! We know that nothing is haphazardly mentioned in the Holy Book, nothing without a goal. Why then, did the Holy Spirit decide to mention all these details?

We pray psalm 50 (or 51) every day (supposedly more than once), and in it we pray: “Do good in Your good pleasure to ZION; build the walls of Jerusalem” Do we really care about Zion & Jerusalem?! Clearly there is something missed here. Well, why do we care about the Old-Testament in first place? Don’t we live in the age of grace, under the New-Testament? Why we bother printing and reading the OT then?

Let us see what our Lord Jesus Christ teaches us about the OT; He said: “You search the scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me” (John 5:39)

So, He commend us to search the scriptures, for we have eternal life, i.e. kingdom of heaven in them, and they testify of our Lord. He also said: “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field” (Mathew 13:44)

If once found a treasure hidden in a field, what would you do? Most people would dig around to take it and go. The wise however, hid it back, went, sold all that he had, and bought the whole field. Why? Because the sample he found gives a great joy that made him determinate to enjoy the whole treasure which is in all the field, and to find it all, one needs time, to dig and search for it. That is why our Lord said search, rather than read the scriptures. Then we need to search/study the scriptures. Why? Because they have the treasure (eternal life/kingdom of heaven) for us as they testify of God Jesus Christ.

The question then; how to search/study the OT while it is so hard to understand? To answer this, we need to realize first that the holy book (NT and OT) could be understood in 3 levels:

+ Literal level,

+ Moral level, and

+ Spiritual level.

For example, let us apply this to the passage from the book of Exodus presented at the beginning of this article. The literal-level reading would be concerned about the places the Israelites wandered in. A careful reader would look up maps and might also check the history of these cities, and so on. The moral level contemplation would be the submission the Israelites had to God; how they followed God into the ignorance. The spiritual-level interpretation is what the Holy Book itself commend us to seek when it says: “for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life” (2Cor 3:6) So, how can we spiritually interpret the OT? There is no specific procedure to follow; however, there is a set of guidelines (rules) that can help us find our way. Better, we have the treasure of the inspired holy early fathers of the Church. Thus, the real recommendation is to study the bible (OT & NT) under the guidance of the early fathers interpretations. Nothing can replace that. What we will narrate of rules now, is basically some general keys that summarize SOME of the general attitude our early fathers used to interpret the Holy Book. We will mention four keys:

Key one: Seek Holy Trinity, Salvation, Spiritual life, and Eternal life:

The fathers of the church searched the scriptures to seek:

1.a) The Holy Trinity (The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit). Reading any passage or story, they ask: what is the will of The Father? Where is The Son? What is the deed of The Holy Spirit?

1.b) Salvation: salvation is the goal of the whole Holy Book, and almost every story drops shadows of the salvation.

1.c) Spiritual life: as sacraments and spiritual wars (the Godly way). Sacraments of NT are resembled through sacrifices of OT, and spiritual wars are resembled through wars against gentiles.

1.d) Eternal life.

Key two: Always ask questions: Why? What? Who? When? Where?

When you read any piece of information, ask your self: why did the Holy Spirit decide to mention it? What exactly is mentioned, does it resemble salvation or spiritual life?

Key three: Beware of Context

Know the context of the book; who wrote it, when, to whom, why and in which language? Also, beware of the divisions of the OT because each section is to be read differently. The four sections are:

- Tourah books (the five books of Mosses): these resemble the four bibles in the NT, they are the starting point.

- Historical books (Joshua, Judges, .. Chronicles 1& 2, …, Ezra, etc): these resemble the book of Acts in NT, they describe how the relationship with God developed.

- Wisdom books (Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, etc): these resemble the Episles in the NT, they describe the life with God.

- Prophecies (Isaiah, Ezekiel, etc): these resemble the book of Revelation in the NT, these are read under the light of the NT, since they prepared the humanity for the first coming of The Christ, the book of Revelation prepares humanity to the second coming of The Christ.

Key four: Symbolism

The fathers of the Church of Alexandria were pioneering in the school of the symbolic interpretation of the OT, such as Clement of Alexandira, Oregon, etc. In general, they used the following rules:

4.a) Persons: every spiritual person sent from God for a certain mission, points by his life from a certain aspect to Christ. For example: Joseph goes to a strange land to keep the life of his brothers, then he resembles Christ who descended from heaven to grant life to humanity, and so on.

4.b) Names: every name of a person or a place has a meaning and the meaning helps to understand the mission or the attitude of that person and hence the story. For example, changing the name of Abraham from Abram to Abraham, Abram means a noble father, while Abraham means a father of multitudes, and this goes with the vow God gave to him to increase his spring.

4.c) Events: almost all events points to Salvation (escaping from Egypt), Spiritual life (spiritual wars, baptism: crossing red-see), or eternal life (Entering Jerusalem, rebuilding the temple).

4.d) Places: Canaa is Kingdom of Heaven, away of it is being exiled from eternal life (Egypt, Babel, Ashore, etc.)

4.e) Numbers: has meanings. Such as:

3 ~ Trinity

2 ~ the 2 wills: Love God & Love your neighbor, or Love in general.

10 ~ the will: 10 commandments

100 ~ eternal or unlimited

1000 ~ heavenly

7 ~ earthly/worldly life (7 days of week)

8 ~ eternal life (after 7 days of week), resurrection (8th day)

4 ~ around the world

12 ~ 3 x 4: the spread of the word of God (Trinity) in around the world

and so on…

4.d) Specifics:

Water à always resembles The Holy Spirit

Wood/Tree/Flag à The Cross

Animals à worldly/earthly cares

Birds à Heavenly cares

Marriage story à Christ & Church , thus any betray à sin

Enemy à Devil/Sin/Lusts

Israel à The Believers

Jerusalem/Zion/Jacob/Mountain of Zion à Church (congregation/heart/heaven)

As we see, all these need books, because even if someone collect all possible symbols in a “symbols dictionary”, one need to know which one to apply. However, we hope the above helps as a guideline to hint how to understand what s/he reads until one can find a book to help.

Based on that, we now understand that in Psalm 50 when we pray for Zion and Jursalem, we actually pray for the Church. Also, getting back to the passage we presented from the book of Exodus, it turns out that the cities, given there names’ meanings, resembles the stages of the spiritual life before crossing the red-see which resembles baptism. In other words, these are the stages one needs to go through in preparation for dedicating ones life to Christ, and getting baptized. So, 1) Ramsis which means the City of the god Raa (The sun god of ancient Egyptians) is the state of sins, and departing it is departing the old behavior, the old man, who is corrupt. 2) Succoth means tent, thus, once one departs the sinful habits, one should live as a stranger from worldly cares. Then 2) Etham, which means sign, is the third stage at which God gives us the sing of resurrection (3) (the cloud and the fire) so that we experience it to desire to die with Him in order to live for Him. Finally, 4) Pi-Hahiroth means The hard-elevation & it is between Migdol (means tower) and Baal Zephon (means Going up fast) means that the fourth stage is the hardship of Godly life (tribulations) that we need to be ware of ahead (to calculate cost of building a tower ahead) and continuous growth in Christ without any regard to the past.

Abridged from Sermon by Fr. Daoud Lamey
