Friday, April 30, 2010

They are all the same!

Women are all the same. How? A woman has strengths that amaze man. She can handle trouble & carry heavy burdens. She holds happiness, love and opinions. She smiles when feeling like screaming, sings when she feels like crying, cries when she is happy and laughs when she is afraid.

She fights for what she believes in, stands up against injustice, and doesn’t take “no” for an answer when she can see a better solution.

She gives herself so her family can thrive, and takes her friend to the doctor if she is afraid.

Her love is unconditional!

She cries when her kids are victorious.

She is happy when her friends do well.

She is glad when she hears of a birth or a wedding.

Her heart is broken when a next of kin or friend dies. But she finds the strength to get on with life.

She knows that a kiss & a hug can heal a broken heart.

I received what is above, and it is all truth. But is all the truth? Of course NOT!

A woman is a lot more than that.

If we follow women in the Holy Book, Old and New Testament, one (a guy of course) stands amazed in front of that amazing creature. She tempted Adam, caused war, tempted Israelites, But She also was a mother, prophet, queen seeking wisdom, savior (many times), first believer from Gentiles, strong believer, faithful, leader, judge, gave birth to Christ, financially supported Christ, didn't leave Christ at the Cross (while only one man remained), woke up early before Sabbath darkness is resolved to the Holy Grave to serve Christ's body, she was the first to know about Christ Resurrection & first announcer & the first who met Resurrected Christ, served with disciples, martyred, lived pure aesthetic life, encouraged her sons to martyr for the sake of the faith. Put that next to how passionate, emotional and tender she is!! Glorified is our Lord Jesus Christ in His creation!

I received the below nice imaginary story: When God created woman, he was working late on the 6th day. An angel came by and said: “Why spend so much time on that one?” And the Lord answered:

+ “Have you seen all specifications I have to meet to shape her? She must be washable, but not made of plastic, have more than 200 moving parts which all must be replaceable & she must function on all kinds of food, she must be able to embrace several kids at the same time, give a hug that can heal anything from a bruised knee to a broken heart and she must do all this with only two hands”

- “Just two hands… impossible! And this is the standard model?! Too much work for one day.. wait until tomorrow & then complete her…”

+ “I won’t, I am so close to complete this creation, which will be the favourite of my heart. She cures herself when sick & she can work 18 hrs a day!”

The angel came nearer and touched the woman.

- “But you have made her so soft, Lord!”

+ “She is soft, but I have also made her strong. You can’t imagine what she can endure and overcome.”

- “Can she think?”

+ “Not only can she think, she can reason and negotiate.”

The angel touched the woman’s cheeks

- “Lord, it seems this creation is leaking! You have put too many burdens on her.”

+ “She is not leaking… it is a tear”

- “What is it for?”

+ “Tears are her way of expressing grief, her doubts, her love, her loneliness, her suffering & her pride.”

This made a big impression on the angel.

- “Lord, you are genius! You thought of everything! The woman is indeed marvelous!”

Indeed she is!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

well, ..... because I …love you

He asked: and why so? I said: well, .... because, I.... love You!

It is almost end of winter… it is so cold outside, but very warm inside… as I started cooking the fresh vegetables He picked, I flashed back to how all this started 9 months ago..

It was the summer, and it was a lovely morning. I had my make up and went out with the ticket in my hand to take the Telepheric tour up in the nest of Alb Mountains. As usual, I was longing to meet someone. Now I see how desperate I was to have a relationship. I used to do that a lot, taking long trips, by trains or ships, and decorate myself so well to meet someone. But this day was different. I was, as usual, looking to meet some guy, but I cared more to enjoy the nature… I was excited about it. Moreover, from experience (being desperate) I realized that such relationships do not last… in fact, most of them ends when the trip end.

To my surprise, the Telepheric was EMPTY! Well, except for that old gentleman who passed his greetings as he entered the Telepheric then sat away, minding his own business. As the Telepheric went on its way, and I realized it was only me and him, I – for some weird reason – started to think of a creative way to attract his attention. Am I that desperate? He is so old, all white hair and such long beard! But to tell the truth, there was something attractive about him… but I tried to keep myself focusing on the nature, I didn’t want to do anything inappropriate, and I am really here today to enjoy the nature.

To my ears’ surprise receiving his words: may I set down next to you? My heart danced of joy and I immediately nodded agreeing. He sat and started to demonstrate what we are seeing, he made me so joyous … it was as if he cares only that I enjoy the trip. Then he gave me a booklet; a tour guide… and said, I wrote this book, it will lead you through the trip. Enjoy it. And left back to his - seemed to be so far – seat.

Between looking at the nature, and reaching him, I didn’t read the booklet. I thought of couple of tricks to reach him. I sneezed, I coughed, but he didn’t move, as if he knew these were not real. I gave up and opened the book and enjoyed the journey. But something weird in the booklet struck me. At the end of each chapter and section it lists his contacts for more information!

The journey didn’t go peacefully to the end. All of a sudden, as we were on top of a jungle, a strong wind storm started to shake the Telephric. He yet didn’t move, while I was screaming and so scarred… eventually I called upon him: won’t you help me? He said: of course, now you asked for it. I was so glad I did that just at the time, because right after, the whole Ttelephric went down into the woods, with violent crash, but he embraced me and took the shock on my behalf.

To make a long story short, we were stuck in the Telephric since then, on top of a long tree up in the mountains, just me and him with no communication what so ever. I was hoping that the rescue team will come to rescue us one day, but after days that seemed to be a yet another desperate day dream. There was a small Cafeteria in the Telepheric, and I used to eat from it. He seemed to not eat at all, yet he is so healthy. We started to talk about everything in my life, he was such a good listener, and I started to get attached to him. One day, I was mad at him. Because the food in the Cafeteria he seemed to be careless. It was then when I found out that during night he used to go out in the woods, rescuing his life to pick the fruit and vegetables that are in the Cafeteria. It was him all the time and I didn’t know! And he used to cook outside, because he cooks a mix that doesn’t smell normal, and didn’t want to disturb me. It was then when I felt in love with him. It was then when I loved this nest on top of the mountains. The next day, the rescue team was flying in a helicopter near by… it is my chance… he looked at me and asked: do you want to go? To my hearts surprise, I said: NO. I chose staying with him!

But food was an issue. Every day I ask Him to cook food for me, He would cook what I want, but not eat from it, as He eats on his way. Once a while, He would force me to eat certain things, so that I get all nutrition needed. I tried all rest of the summer to force him to change his diet, but failed. I thought that, since I love Him, he should eat what I love. Or if He really loves me, He should eat, or actually do, all what I want. But as fall season kicked in, with its beautiful weather and marvelous scenery, I started to listen more to Him, and eat more of what He cooks, because by then, I realized that He knows the best for me. And I started to get used to his diet habits more and more. And as winter started to hurt, I found warmth in His bosoms. I found joy in reading His booklet. And for my yet another surprise, today, I woke up asking him what he would like to eat? He answered: the usual, meaning His weird mix. I said: alright, I would love to eat this weird mix from now on. I don’t want to eat what I like anymore, but I want to eat what you like. He asked: and why so? I said: Well, ….because I….love You!

Thy will be done O’Lord, because I love You!

A Bold Beauty… Again!

In that night, after work, I didn’t feel like going home. To summarize, many strange emotions were playing with my mode; I was out of it. While thinking why or what, I found myself driving my car towards Night Life bar. There, I sat alone in a table, I asked for a glass of wine, and I had decided to drink one glass ONLY, to refresh my mode, and go home. I got a phone call on my cell as I didn’t tell my husband that I will be late, so, I didn’t pick up and decided to keep my stay short.

Sitting on the table, almost about to finish my first glass, a very handsome guy on the bar through a look to me. I admit, I was caught by it, I never saw such a handsome guy like him before. He smiled to me, and I – while telling myself: this is wrong - smiled back to him. He approached my table very slowly. In every step my eye was focused on him, my heart was confused, but certainly excited, my mind was telling me: this is wrong, but I didn’t really listen, that I turned my cell silent upon receiving the second missed call from my husband.

In a very gentle voice that words can not describe, he asked my permission to sit down with me. I thought: no, that is wrong. I should not let him sit. He will first sit down, then we drink and get drunk and only God knows what follows. But my heart was still wishing if we can sit without drinking. Amazingly, my ear received his suggestion to sit just to chat without drinking! My mind was chocked to find my head nodding, allowing him to accompany me, and during all these, my heart was happy. At this point, the cell phone ringed again, I just shut it off!

We talked for half an hour about every thing, when the waiter came to ask us what we would like to drink. This time, without much thinking, I accepted to drink just one more glass of wine. But alas, with less thinking each time, and more happiness in heart I had a glass after a glass till I barely could distinguish his face in front of me. But his beautiful image was still pushing me to… I am not sure, but was pushing me somewhere. Well, in fact I am not sure if I was pushed, or I was pushing myself, but it certainly felt as if I am strongly pushed by something or someone, that someone might was me!

At this point, he asked me for a dance. With heavy head and speechless mouth, I danced with him. The more moves I perform, the weaker I feel my body, and the darker the place, and the louder the music becomes. At certain point, I found myself on the table again and we exchanged ….a kiss! I was very nervous; I couldn’t believe what I just did. But at that point, thinking was pointless, we went kissing, or that what I thought. For after only one kiss, which was never enough to satiate me, he stopped!! I was looking at him, waiting. He pulled out of his pocket some fruit that I couldn’t distinguish out of my unconsciousness and the darkness of the place. I tried to look harder on the fruit, when I felt down back on earth. How ugly and scary a creature is trying to give me this fruit! I looked at him again, and he is that ever most handsome guy again!! Offering me the fruit, I see that horrible scene again, I decided to leave, but alas, the doors were closed and it is only me & him in the bar! I looked at him preparing to scream, but he was that handsome guy again! I looked at the fruit, and I see the terrible creature trying to kill me! He approached, I felt so scared, I finally came up with this smart idea, I should call my husband. I turned on the cell phone, at which point, the handsome guy disappeared, and it was only that awful monster offering me the fruit that – now – looks like an apple! He started to shout out and I started to scream, dialing my husband number. The monster started to attack me! I dropped the cell phone dialing my husband number. I was not sure at that time if he got the call or not, and if he – if he got it- will be able to conclude anything! The monster tried to force me to eat the apple, I was crying violently and was resisting to the end! At some point, I escaped, and picked up the cell phone, when I found that the battery was out of charge!! The monster approached, with a knife in his hand, and the apple in the other hand! As slaw as he moved to my table, he is moving towards me now, enjoying the tears of terror drawing paths on my checks. I couldn’t think of anything other than my husband, and how regretful I am for that I though of betraying him. I was also thinking of how sweet he has always been to me, at which pint, the monster pulled me from my hair, put the knife on my neck, and forced me to open my mouth. As he was getting the apple into my mouth, I closed my eyes. I was suddenly let down on the ground. I felt he will do something even meaner. I opened my eye, to see the monster lying down on the ground, sinking in his blood, killed by the same exact knife he threatened me by which, and the apple he wanted to force me to eat, was in his mouth. One step from him, towards the bar door, was my husband, the strong true man, who was bleeding, for he broke the bar window by himself, to save me.

He guessed where I would be. I never knew he knows me that well. I myself wouldn’t guess where I am that night, but he did. He broke the glass, and killed the monster, and saved me, AGAIN!

"For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. ... But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." (Rom 5:6,8)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

I used to think...

I used to think of myself to be a good person... better than the people around me of my age...
I used to think that I am older than my age, wiser, more sad, and more reliable...
I used to think I am stronger than people of my age... in character and determination...
I used to think I am closer to God than people around me...
I used to think I shall never fall, and I used to wonder...

I used to wonder why people do X, Y and Z sins...
I used to wonder how on earth could any one do the W sin! I don't know but I used to think I know...

I used to think that I have to move the rock from the gate of Lazarus' tomb so that God *can* raise him from death... I went therefore moving all rocks in my way, all the way until the end of my reach, which got me super tired...

I used to think that *I* can do everything in Christ, but focusing on the *I*... I therefore tried everything beyond myself, which got me super depressed...

I used to think that God's voice comes as smoothing and easing my path, I used to think I *know* God's will, which caused me to be deaf to God's voice....

I used to think that I love God...

All what I used to think was true, turns out to be not necessarily true... is it? I don't know..

I want to love God, and I try to... should I move the rock? But without Christ I can do nothing as He said. So, even moving the rock I can not do... so what? I ask Him to move the rock? Then where am I in this? Will I move the rock in Christ? Yes of course, but what does that really means? I don't know...

I don't know my limits, or where I should stop and leave it to God...

I don't know why on earth did I fall in same sins I condemns people for, the X, Y, Z and even the W.. while they had excuses, I had no excuse...

I don't know why I am so weak, unstable and unreliable...

I don't know why God loves me, and still has faith in me, while I have no faith in myself anymore, but have faith in His grace...

I don't know if I die now, will God accept me to be with Him forever? Should He wait for me a bit?

I don't know if in next test I will fail or not...

I don't know if ever it will be a moment when I feel ready to depart this world, although I wish to depart it right now ...

I don't know when I will be a holy child of Christ? Will that day ever come? When?

I don't know nothing.. and may be I just should not know.. I have to just continue walking...

I don't know if I do love God from all my heart... and may be I should not know, or don't really want to know... but I do know, that I want to love God from all my hearts... so how to start?

I don't know how to start... should I start? or Should Christ's grace start? I don't know...

Is there a rock I should pull? Or should I ask His grace to grant it to me? I don't know..

I don't know if I should repent first, or serve Him first, or just love Him first... but how to love Him though? Love is sacrifice, and I have nothing to offer Him!

I don't know why He loves me! I don't know why I focus on myself that much... I don't know what is His will.. I don't know how to hear His voice...

I don't know my message on earth.. but may be I I should not know, or don't really want to know... but I do know, that I do want to love God from all my hearts...

Your will be done.
