Sunday, January 27, 2013

Humility Nuggets - 3

In Humility Nuggets -1 post, we argued that the human role of attaining the virtue of humility is to become an Icon of Christ. One crucial step towards being humble enough that we may no longer live, but Christ may live  in us, is a process of reordering of our priorities.

Simply, but very hard to do, is to place everyone else, and their wishes or plans, on a higher rank priority than that of mine. This is exactly what the Bible commands us: "Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself." (Philippians 2:3 NKJV). In fact, the Arabic translation of this verse suggests that each one should esteem the other better than how the other esteems himself! It goes that far.

In order to practically esteem others better than ourselves we simply need to continuously, and with joy, to think of the other, and their needs and/or plans, before we consider ourselves and our own needs or plans. Every single time I start planning something to do, I should pause, take a step back, and consider "the other" needs and check if what I am about to do would help the other's plan or not. "The other" here is mainly everyone I serve. By serve, I mean spiritual service; let it be organized ministry in a church, a hidden private service, an open breaching service, or an everyday service. And we are called to spiritually serve each person we meet, every day, all the time, by being salt and light.

That was my role, the labor. The Lord grace will then do take care of enabling me to do so esteem others better than myself, until it feels effortless and by default. Also, it is God's grace that I do so in joy!

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