Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Standing at the midst of the deep ocean, looking towards the endless water... The Horizon!

I wonder, where is that Horizon?! If I start sailing towards The Horizon, will I reach there? I definitely see it, but can I reach it? And why is that Horizon is so impressive? Why do I long to reach there in first place?

The desert Horizon isn't any less impressive than the sea Horizon... in fact, this endless shining sand is also The Horizon! But if I start walking towards it, will I reach there, to The Horizon I mean?

I did. I started sailing. I started walking. To where? Towards The Horizon.
As I am progressing, an island started to float there, at the Horizon. An oasis started to dig its shape in the sand. A mountain stood proudly, at The Horizon... does that mean I can reach there? The Horizon?

I did, survive to the island, I was impressed by the oasis in midst of desert, I took refuge from the storm winds in the mountain... but...

it wasn't The Horizon....

Once I got there, it wasn't The Horizon any more... for the moment I turn around, I saw the Horizon back there where you left, at the endless water... at the golden sand..

This is the Horizon.. far, impressive, a desire for the eye... a hope for the soul to embrace, a day dream for every navigator or lost traveler to seek... but once you reach, by definition, it is not The Horizon any more, for every step you take towards The Horizon, pushes The Horizon further back...

So should we let go of reaching there? Should we be satisfied with staying still where we are? But if we did, we will starve... we ought to sail toward The Horizon!

We ought to sail towards The Horizon without caring much of reaching there. We just need to learn how to enjoy the journey outreaching the unreachable. For the joy of sailing towards a race end line is in reaching the end line, but the joy of sailing towards The Horizon, is in the endless sailing!

My soul sails towards you O Lord! Towards Holiness! Towards Perfection! Towards Eternity!
I enjoyed many oases along my road, but they are only a shade of the joy of reaching you!
Many times I fell, but arose in You and continue walking.. many times I got distracted fishing to feed myself, but I lastly dropped the fishing rod and looked steadfast at You.. I many times slept thinking I arrived... but You woke me up and here I go, walking towards You!

Will I ever reach You? I guess not. But isn't it just life, to continually walk towards You! Even in Kingdom of Heaven, which is continually sailing towards knowing You, The Horizon!

your comments and opinions are highly appreciated.
a sinner


  1. It's amazing and very impressive.
    I just have one note to point out: although that is how we should look at God and Heaven, but once we move one step towards God, God cut the whole distance to us; right?

  2. very true, and that is why reaching God is not by reaching the Horizon, but in the sailing journey itself...

  3. It is really amazing, thanks for sharing.

