Friday, August 12, 2011

moving backward

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Curfew in Philly due to teens' violence, violent protests in England, a massacre in Norway, Genocides in Syria and Libya, Egypt is already gone with the wind ...
economical depression, conflicts, scandals, crises, collapses ...
wars, strikes, crimes, catastrophes of an angry nature ...
diseases, hangers, droughts, hungry souls and spirits ...

looks like we (human race) are moving, with steadfast pace, backward. Towards violence, anarchism, poverty, barbarism and hating the other. All of which, believe, are rooted in selfishness, greediness and pride. Both on the individual as well as the social levels.

We need to take stand, starting by oneself. To get outside oneself...


  1. the only cure to selfishness and hate is selflessness and love...

  2. indeed... self-sacrifice, which is the utmost love, is the only cure

