Sunday, January 30, 2011

Bless you Egypt's Unrest!

I say: Bless you Egypt's unrest!

If Egyptian Police intentionally left their duty and released prisoners to terror innocent people, if indeed that was El Adly's plan to show us how insecure the country would go without this "regime", well, Thank you Adly & Bless you unrest!

for you gave us a chance to know that we don't need you to be safe!
for the chance to gain trust in our selves one more time!
for the pot where differences between all people sects did melt down!
for the chance that once again all Egyptians were united in their goal!
for the chance to realize that we care about Egypt more than anything else!
for the chance to realize that Egypt's safety is our priority!
for this historical chance, when Egypt for once, is secular!
for reminding us how great we are, the descendant of Pharos!

It is indeed the first time - since really long time - when people forgot their religion, their political views, their social differences, etc, and were one for one goal: we will keep Egypt safe! It is comforting to see how the youth and men went out forming organized committees to protect their people, the Egyptians! It reminds us with our power, together! It reminds us with our unity, and sharing of the nation, cause and goal, problems and dreams, we share our belonging to Egypt!

I, therefore, joyfully say: Bless you Egypt's unrest!

P.S.: Inspired by watching the Bless you prison movie couple days ago, where Nicoleta finds her path back to God in communist prison.

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