Saturday, February 1, 2020

بدايات Beginnings

مش عاوز اوعظ كلام، عاوز اعيش انجيلك
مش عاوز احفظ الحان، عاوز اتلذذ بتمجيدك
مش عاوز ابقى من الخدام، عاوز افرح بتعليمك
مش عاوز امشي لقدام، عاوز ارجع لبداياتي في طريقك
لما كنت عريان، وانت كستني بصليبك
لما كنت متعور وتعبان، وانت دهنتني بزيتك
لما كنت كئيب زعلان، وانت طبطبت بإيدك
لما كنت متغرب تيهان، وانت ردتني لبيتك
لما جيتلك خايف هربان، وطمنتي وصدقت وعودك
لما يا ييسوعي كنت فرحان كنت في حضنك كنت حبيبك
عاوز ارجع لايام زمان احضني ومطلعنيش من ايدك
عاوز اعيشلك كل الايام، متحولش عني عينك
عاوز الكل يفرح بيك، بحبك، ببدايات طريقك

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Human - عجبي عليك يا انسان

عجبي عليك يا انسان،
صغير لكن تصارع الزمان

طويل خيرك تحسبه ثواني،
وللحيظات الم سنين تعاني!

ارض ثباتك دائمة الدوران،
وفي بخار عمرك  ترنو أمان!

تسير كأنك اقوى انسان،
وانت هش ان لم تعان!

تظلم اخيك والصحب والخلان،
وتلعن شبيهك فبفيك تدان!

عيناك وفكرك للشر قائمان،
والاصغر اخطر ذا اللسان!

تسعى لتبلغ النقيضان،
وان بلغت صرت خوّان

تشك في نية أي من كان
وتجحد جود لك كان

تحيا في ظلمة غرقان
وتهدي للنور توهان

الصحراء أمامك فظمآن
والنبع من ورائك ملآن

عجبي عليك يا انسان،
الخير تشدو طول زمان
 والفرح تهجر زمان ومكان
فيسوع - فرحنا - فوق الزمان
إن خضعنا له وهبنا امان

Friday, July 29, 2016

Facing False Sales

It is well noticed that in the last couple of years, a big wave of anti-Christians and anti-Christianity is onset everywhere in the world, in middle-east by radicals, and even more in the countries of "religious freedom" such as USA!

Not only LGBT marriage is legalized, it is (1) forced. Moreover, (2) Christians are prohibited - one way or another - from sharing their faith and freely express their opinions! For example, forcing Christian schools that receive public funds to NOT share or express their faith, open their bathrooms to transsexual teenagers, holding Black-Mass (which mocks Catholic Mass) in public -city funded - civic center!

Not only that, but on a daily basis especially in professional venues and workplaces, talking about Christianity is prohibited, but talking about anything else is fine! Evolution theory is taken for granted as a "scientific" basis, while taking about Christ is only accepted in a mockery way! An enterprise can freely raise a rainbow flag, to announce acceptance, or support, to LGBT community, but not a Christmas Tree with a manager underneath!

So, what should we Christians do?

"You are the salt of the Earth! ... You are the light of the world" (Matthew 5:13,14 NKJV)
Simply, if Satan is offering the people his false goodies, we should be showing the true goodies that our Lord Jesus Christ, our True Living God, offers.

Satan offers false, temporal and narrow-scoped success, happiness & prosperity. We should show how Jesus provides the true immortal success, internal non-wrecked peace, and everlasting non-demolished joy!

+ If Satan offers chocolate-coated poison, Jesus offers a bitter-tasted true healing medicine!

+ If Satan offers homosexuality as free will, Jesus offers chastity as true freedom!

+ If Satan offers threats to those who oppose, Jesus offers love to the enemy!

+ If Satan offers darkness to hide, Jesus offers light to live!

+ If Satan offers salty water that never relinquish a mild-thirst, Jesus offers the Living Water, that he who drinks from which, would never thirst!

The World offer lies, while Jesus offers Truth!

"You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it." (John 8:44 NKJV)

"Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.' "  (John 14:6 NKJV)

Facing False Sales

It is well noticed that in the last couple of years, a big wave of anti-Christians and anti-Christianity is onset everywhere in the world, in middle-east by radicals, and even more in the countries of "religious freedom" such as USA!

Not only LGBT marriage is legalized, it is (1) forced. Moreover, (2) Christians are prohibited - one way or another - from sharing their faith and freely express their opinions! For example, forcing Christian schools that receive public funds to NOT share or express their faith, open their bathrooms to transsexual teenagers, holding Black-Mass (which mocks Catholic Mass) in public -city funded - civic center!

Not only that, but on a daily basis especially in professional venues and workplaces, talking about Christianity is prohibited, but talking about anything else is fine! Evolution theory is taken for granted as a "scientific" basis, while taking about Christ is only accepted in a mockery way! An enterprise can freely raise a rainbow flag, to announce acceptance, or support, to LGBT community, but not a Christmas Tree with a manager underneath!

So, what should we Christians do?

"You are the salt of the Earth! ... You are the light of the world" (Matthew 5:13,14 NKJV)
Simply, if Satin is offering the people his false goodies, we should be showing the true goodies that our Lord Jesus Christ, our True Living God, offers.

Satin offers false, temporal and narrow-scoped success, happiness & prosperity. We should show how Jesus provides the true immortal success, internal non-wrecked peace, and everlasting non-demolished joy!

+ If Satin offers chocolate-coated poison, Jesus offers a bitter-tasted true healing medicine!

+ If Satin offers homosexuality as free will, Jesus offers chastity as true freedom!

+ If Satin offers threats to those who oppose, Jesus offers love to the enemy!

+ If Satin offers darkness to hide, Jesus offers light to live!

+ If Satin offers salty water that never relinquish a mild-thirst, Jesus offers the Living Water, that he who drinks from which, would never thirst!

The World offer lies, while Jesus offers Truth!

"You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it." (John 8:44 NKJV)

"Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.' "  (John 14:6 NKJV)

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Kyros (3yrs old) prayer

صباح الخير يا بابا يسوع ، ممكن تلعب معايا؟
تيجي  نرسم ولا ونلون؟ ولا تحكيلي حكاية؟
تيجي نطنطط ونلعب اجري وانت تجري ورايا؟
تيجي نلعب صلصال او مكعبات او نلعب استغمايه؟
ومش حفطر! لكن حاكل لو حتاكل انت معايا
بس STOP انا حارشم الصليب زي ما بيعمل بابايا
واسجد زي ماما واحكيلك زيها على اللي جوايا
ميرسي جدا  يا بابا يسوع  على كل الهدايا
وعلى كل حاجة حلوة وياريت النهاردة تكون ويايا
ممكن يا بابا يسوع تفسحني؟ وتجيبلي بسكوتاية؟
ممكن صلصاليكو وجدو ناثان طاطا وبقصمطاية؟
باي باي يا بابا يسوع، باي باي يا ماما عدرا، 
ازيك جدو كيرلس ؟ مارمينا؟ مارجرجس؟ 
بوسة كبيرة وحضن، خليكو  النهاردة كلة معايا

Monday, March 14, 2016

The Disciples & Our Hour of Darkness!

One disciple ran away leaving his garments in the soldiers hands!
Another disciple was furious and used his sword to defend himself, and defend Christ!
Most other disciples were too afraid to follow Christ, they ran away and hided themselves.
One still followed Christ, but at one stage he denied Christ!
Only one followed Christ to the Cross, in silence!

Sometimes, the first watch of night passes, and the second then the third, and it is almost the end of the fourth watch: we are still struggling in our boat, fighting waves, winds and rain! We - partially - loose faith! Even when we see Christ at this point, walking on water, we think it cannot be truly Him, it must be a Ghost!

Sometimes Christ is asleep - in peace - in our boat, but it is stormy outside and we are actually sinking! We again think we *need* to awaken Christ up.

Well, sometimes Christ just wants to grant us the spiritual level of believing in Him, while He is still on the cross, and it doesn't seem it will reach to an end!

When following Christ means our death, of this world! Everything looks wrong around us. Nothing that we can see that this may lead to our good at the end. No sign that this is for the glory of God's name, nor the benefit of any person. We therefore loose faith in Him, and start asking Him: if you are the Son of God, get down of the cross!

But it seems that this is exactly the point: God wants us to keep our faith, in meekness and tranquility - and may be in pain - until death! Didn't He love us to the end, to the death of the Cross? But He received no reward for doing so, but we surely are rewarded! The disciple who followed Christ to the end of the Cross, deserved to be called: the beloved. Deserved to see the revelation! Reserved to be given the ever Holy St. Mary, the Mother of God, as his mother! The key is: St. John followed Christ having faith in Him even during agony and the hours of darkness, with no exact request from Christ: to save him, to get down of the cross, nor any other request. The complete simple faith: I know you are the Son of God, and I trust you not caring to see the outcome, and I follow you, even if that leads to my worldly-death!

The even greater news is that there is still hope for all disciples, even the right-hand thief! After all, they all became the Apostles who spread the faith in Christ in the whole world! Each of them received the proper treatment to restore their faith!

So, if you are going through the hours of darkness, remember the disciples and ask God to grant you this: to believe in Him through the Cross, not expecting or requesting anything! Remembering Job, his suffer and God's answer to Him helps. God said:
        (1) I AM love, so trust that I love you,
        (2) I AM Wisdom, so trust I know what is best for you, and
        (3) I AM The Almighty, so trust I can achieve for you what is for the best!

May God touch the hearts of us all, especially during dark hours of cross, that we may have life in Christ, which is Joy in Him!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

طريق الجلجثة - Golgotha way

اين طريق الجلجثة وكيف اسلكة؟
وان وصلت كيف لي الصليب احملة؟
بل اي هو صليبي وبما اعرفة؟ 
اسألك ربي المصلوب ان ترفعة! 
احقا انا للصليب رافع؟
ام انت ربي لنا حامل؟
ولكل جرحي جرحك ضامد؟
